Good Hygiene

Hygiene refers to the conditions and practices that help to maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases. Good hygiene therefore includes a specific set of practices associated with this preservation of health, for example maintaining a clean living and working environment, sterilization of drinking water, hand washing and preventing the spread of communicable diseases.

At an international level, water sanitation, and lack there-of, remains one of the most significant components of communicable disease spread. In developed nations, water sanitation is generally satisfactory, and hygiene practices at a personal level are more important, such as regular hand washing and food safety practices.

Pillar 6 focuses on the actions and behaviours that contribute to good hygiene, and the prevention of communicable diseases and illness.

Good hygiene is important because…

Proper food preparation is another simple intervention that can reduce communicable disease spread. Most severe diarrhoeal illnesses in developed nations, such as salmonellosis, giardiasis and campylobacteriosis, are associated with unsanitary food preparation. Care when using uncooked food and then proper cooking greatly reduces the risk of these illnesses.

Unhygienic practices are the cause of…

WHO recommendations for hygiene…

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